If a linking error occurs, you might have conflicting architectures between the XCode settings and the xerces library you installed. Choose build and they will compile and be saved in XCode's derived data folder.
Select the target to compile - either NairnMPM or NairnFEA.Once xerces is installed, open the NairnMPM.xcodeproj to compile the code by: This project is called NairnMPM, but it includes all MPM and FEA source code in two targets named NairnMPM and NairnFEA. Nairn-mpm-fea/Common/Projects/NairnMPM.xcodeproj The preferred method is to use XCode (but first you must install Xcode, install command line tools, and get a new compiler). Most development of NairnMPM and NairnFEA is done in MacOS X and thus compiling on MacOS X is easy. 4.4 Possible Changes Needed After Updating MacOS or XCode.